Fillcoat Fibres Elastic Waterproof Coating with added Fibres
Fillcoat Fibres Elastic Waterproof Coating is a fibre reinforced, waterproof and elastic brush / roller applied coating for roofs, gutters, ridge-pieces, chimney stacks, pipes, non-walkable balconies etc.
Fillcoate Fibres is similar to Fillcoat, but with the addition of fibres to assist in bridging cracks, filling small crevices etc., in deteriorating leaky surfaces.
Can be applied in most weather conditions with the exception of snow and sub-zero temperatures.
Requires approximately 1.5 Litres per sq. meter total, built up in 2 - 3 coats.
Porous materials (concrete, fibre reinforced corrugated cement sheeting, stone, wood etc.) must be dried, and primed with Primer 44HS.
Available in 5 Litre and 20 litre packs.
Download our Fillcoat Fibres data sheet.